Alec Leeseberg – US Space Force Association
US Space Force Association

SFA President Bill Woolf moderates Webinar on Collaborative Endeavors of Quadrilateral Space Force


Delve into the insights from a crucial webinar that underscores the evolving partnership, mutual security, and technological strides achieved through public-private cooperation in the space domain. Uncover the shared endeavors to ensure peace, prosperity, and stability in space, and witness how like-minded nations and their commercial counterparts inspire each other’s growth and innovation.

A Strategic Imperative For Space Superiority: Responsive Spacelift


In the space domain, the United States Space Force must recognize the need for rapid reconstitution and augmentation of space-based capabilities to maintain an advantage. This article explores the concept of the OODA Loop and its application in space operations, the challenges of responsive spacelift, and the importance of proactive on-orbit reconstitution. It also delves into a brief historical perspective of launch systems, the future considerations for operability and resiliency, and why rapid force reconstitution in space should be a critical national priority.

Cultivating the Guardian Spirit of Mission Command


Culture is inevitable. It will develop whether we make it a focus or not; therefore, we must be intentional. An organization’s culture is a collection of normalized values, expectations, and behaviors dictated by the unit’s roles and responsibilities. Culture shapes how we execute the mission. The U.S. Space Force’s culture is under construction. Our senior leaders are prioritizing its development as we look to advance our lethality through more creative leadership approaches like mission command.

392d Combat Training Squadron Meets CSO’s Intent with Expanded Exercise Program


The 392d Combat Training Squadron is revolutionizing space combat training with purpose-built exercises designed to improve readiness. By tailoring agile training programs and hosting small force exercises in distributed Space Battle Laboratories, the squadron is driving the number of exercises from two events in 2021 to over 90 per year in 2023. With two brand-new service-level exercises already established and plans for two more in the works, the Guardians of the 392d Combat Training Squadron are leading the way in preparing space warfighters to win.

Think Global on Space Security Cooperation


Op-ed on why the USSF needs to leverage partnerships and look to the international community to build a global space security cooperation program.

S.T.A.R.S. LLC Is Proud To Announce Its Exclusive Collaboration With The Space Force Association & Unity


S.T.A.R.S. VR, LLC (“the company”) is pleased to announce that it has entered into an exclusive collaboration with the Space Force Association (SFA) and Unity (NYSE: U), to develop the “S.T.A.R.S. Mission Builder” a comprehensive mission builder platform leveraging the S.T.A.R.S. IP. This project will enable educators, space industry professionals and Space Force personnel to create their own S.T.A.R.S. missions with an accessible suite of tools, including a fully voiced AI storyteller named Luna.

DART Paves the Way for New Space Force Mission


The United States must embrace a broader definition of planetary defense that includes man-made as well as natural disaster vectors. The logical result is to assign responsibility for the redirection portion of the planetary defense mission to the United States Space Force.

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