SFA Magazine Summer 2024

Discover the future of space technology and defense in the Summer 2024 issue of SFA Magazine! Read about Colonel Kalliroi Landry’s illustrious career and retirement, explore AI’s impact on military strategy, and get insights from Space Launch Delta 45’s Data Derby Hackathon. This issue covers the U.S. response to China’s lunar ambitions and the rise of commercial space enterprises. Packed with exclusive interviews and visionary perspectives, it’s a must-read for anyone interested in the cutting-edge innovations shaping space exploration and defense.

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Inside the Issue & On the Web

Col kalliroi retires

Explore the remarkable career and retirement reflections of Colonel Kalliroi Landry, a trailblazer in military space operations, in this exclusive interview.

The U.S. Response to China's lunar ambitions

Examine the U.S. strategic response to China's ambitious lunar projects and the implications for global space leadership.

The rise of ai in military strategy

Delve into the transformative role of AI in military strategy, intelligence, cybersecurity, & autonomous systems.

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